Veritas Security

A Private Investigation, Security and Intelligence Service

About Us

Veritas Security Group was founded by former Senior Operations Officers with decades of experience as field operatives with the Clandestine Service of the Directorate of Operations, Central Intelligence Agency.

Our team also employs former law enforcement officers, former active duty American military special operations members as well as talented administrative, support and covert surveillance personnel.



Criminal and Civil Defense
International Investigations
Fraud and Malfeasance Investigations
Background Checks Digital and Field
Attorney Support Services
Protection and Security Assessments

What Sets Us Apart

Highly trained and then repeatedly tested, working against the toughest of international adversaries in all locales and situations, where winning and succeeding was always expected, despite the odds.
Let us bring our intensity and relentless pursuit of mission accomplishment to your situation. We will co-pilot you through the storm.
We understand – you have a situation where you are seeking the best professional response. We are here for you.
Let us bring our skills and focus to your situation.

Privacy Protection

We kept America’s secrets and we will keep your case and situation completely confidential – it is our code of conduct and it also the law. We do not ever reveal our clients, unless agreed in advance where publicity might bring in needed information or as part of our pro-bono work.

Contact Us

Jacksonville Based = Global Reach

Licensing C1900623 and A3000011

Phone: 202-230-9706