Surveillance is Exactly like in the Movies

All private investigators drive fast, flashy cars, preferably a convertible, and can follow someone, quite often a criminal mastermind or terrorist for days, never losing sight of the target and, despite the fact their target is a hardened bad-guy, the movie private investigator never, ever gets made/burned by the target.

In reality, surveillance operations are some of the most challenging of field or street investigations; as a government official going up against international adversaries such as terrorists, narcotics traffickers, organized criminals – or when targeting the other side’s spies.

It is no less a challenge for a private investigator, working on a insurance fraud case, tracing a possibly rogue employee or in family or matrimonial matters.

The simple truth, despite Hollywood’s depiction, is that surveillance is a risky business, due to the very real possibility of discovery. Not getting ‘burned’ by your target takes training, skill, experience, judgement, timing and a host of other attributes – much more art than science.

Too far back, you lose the target or fail to collect information which the client needs to make a decision. Too close, you are discovered and the target shifts their profile due to the awareness they are being observed. ​

This is a singular specialty of Veritas Security Group, due to our training and extensive experience globally – we have done many hundreds of surveillance operations, some in connection with the FBI and DEA and others with our allied partners. Let’s see what we can do for you.​

Lastly – we provide counter-surveillance teams and related security assistance for high-wealth or other individuals who require such services. Contact us for additional information.